PUA Life

Seduction Tutor

Monday, September 04, 2006

Dating Ideas - Great Places to Date

by Ian McNeice (http://www.topdatingtips.com/)

When faced with the prospect of dating ideas with someone new, it is always amazing how quickly one's mental creative energies normally nuclear fuelled take on the attributes of the Sahara Desert. Yes, Saturday and Sunday need to be filled as does Tuesday evening with person X and what have you thought of so far ? Zilch!

Ironically, whilst our minds are buzzing with thousands of ideas they are usually all useless and not appropriate in this instance. Two weeks last Thursday you could have thought of flying to Niagara Falls for dinner, ballooning over Paris at dawn or swimming naked together by moonlight in your local pool. But two weeks later with new date on the phone and even worse heading to meet you after work and you can think of absolutely nothing at all. Worse still, you have no preference and start using phrases like "no, that's fine, whatever you like, its up to you, you choose".

Stop right there. There is a danger here of appearing completely useless and about to fall at the first hurdle so its time to pre-plan and get your thinking caps on. Its time for dating ideas. Of course dating ideas differ depending on whether it is first date, second date or so on. Maybe you are hoping that the third date will be spent in bed but lets not get ahead of ourselves. For now we will stick to social functions and activities their parents would approve of.

The key to dating in the early stages is keeping it manageable, relatively inexpensive, within easy travel proximity's and also within manageable timelines. Particularly on a first date, you may wish to leave early, or so may they. An exit plan for both guys and girls is always useful. After the initial date the key to good dating ideas is to make them sociable, relaxed, fun, public and open-ended. Lets face it, why stop a date that is really going well. That is why I favor lunchtimes for first dates and afternoons for weekend second dates. Lunchtimes are good because they have predetermined time restrictions and can be abandoned if necessary with little harm done. Saturday afternoons are great for a second date because that allows both of you to over run if things are going really well.

Dinner is often the case for a first date but its often too formal leading to too much social pressure. Both parties feel obliged to finish the meal even if its going badly and there is always a decent sized bill to cap it all. Its late in the day so parties may not sparkle as they normally would, there may be transport issues, darkness, alcohol, fatigue, dress and very importantly, the restaurant may not be to both tastes.

So with this in mind here are some ideas for keeping things fun, real and enjoyable. Make your own list in advance of any dating for your own city so that you have some ideas in advance. Always have a good food guide and know some nice daytime places to visit. Oh and always avoid places where you can't chat, like the movies!

First Date

  • Lunchtime convenient coffee shop
  • Lunchtime restaurant
  • Early evening restaurant

Second Date

  • Weekend walk in the park and lunch
  • Visit the Zoo and lunch
  • Ice skating - always a winner
  • Indoor Bowling and dinner
  • A ballgame or sports event and lunch
  • Art Gallery and museums

Third Date

  • Amusement and adventure park
  • All day Water park - Summer!
  • Visit the beach and lunch
  • Include them in a sporting activity
  • Visit a tourist attraction and take in drinks and dinner
  • Theater and dinner
  • Adventure Activity


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pheromone advantage said...

I was definitely agree that the key to dating in the early stages is keeping it manageable, relatively inexpensive, within easy travel proximity's and also within manageable timelines. I found that your blog so informative so that will certainly visit your site more often now.


how to make a girl like you said...

There are no specific places that are great for dating. It's a matter of trying out new places. I mean, it can be just that little eatery by the corner but if it's your first time there, it can be an adventure.

Try different things - one of the best dating tips out there.

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